Aurora Poetry

Est. 2018


by Gregg Weatherby


What is it
about the sea what
our need

the rhythm the tides
the salt and softness we float upon
the seeming endlessness of it
all the dark beneath
boiling surf
never still yet
it brings a stillness

great blue heron stalks
the shallows high-stepping
at the edge of the park
while over at Scotty’s
the boats are in
acres of white canvas
creak of spring lines
of wind in rigging
the ping and ting
like bells
tuned to a different note
the sea breeze savoring the gentle waves
all dreams on deck
drinking the wind



Gregg Weatherby is a poet, actor, and scholar. He has also been a ranch foreman, deckhand, bartender, and managing editor of SPIN Magazine (among others). He has published three chapbooks of poetry: Under Orion (Pudding House), Bone Island, and Approaching Home (Finishing Line Press). He lives in Ithaca, New York.