Aurora Poetry

Est. 2018

I and Thou Repeated

by S.D. Lishan


When mist lay in the shallow bays
Before we were tame

when the sea lay closest to us
and we curled into eddies of years’
worth of spent moons

when echoes of starlight unkindled us
summer evenings

when we rode past
the boats bobbing at their docks
the water glassy with midnight

when Autumn pinched its smile
shut and the wind
funneled raw with grief

and the only way home
was through forgetting



S.D. Lishan’s poems, fiction, and creative nonfiction have appeared in journals such as Kenyon Review, New England Review, and Creative Nonfiction, and have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. His poetry collection, Body Tapestries, was published by Dream Horse Press (2006).